A music blog that drops kind bombs all over the internet

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wait What

The name of the mash-up artist is Wait What. I emailed him wondering if we could promote him on our site and he (Charlie/Wait What) was kind enough to email me back with lots of support. Here's the email he sent:


Thanks for getting in touch -- that'd be awesome for you to blog about my project! I've got some info on this page:

and would recommend including either a direct download link (http://www.mediafire.com/?nyjlhz4xytm) or a link to that landing page above. also, the press release below:

'Debut album from wait what marries vocals from The Notorious B.I.G. and instrumentals from The xx to create minimalist indie rock hip hop record, the notorious xx -- available for free download on 3.25'

San Francisco, winter 2010: in an apartment with single-paned windows and poor heating, wait what put the finishing touches on his debut album, 'the notorious xx.' That's where the story ends, but it's not where it started.

It's difficult to say how, when, or where wait what 'formed,' since no one 'met at London's Elliot School' or 'followed Sean Combs as he launched Bad Boy Records' in this story. First, wait what is just one guy, and If you read his resume, it would tell you that he is 24, has been DJing for a couple years now, went to college in New York, is gainfully employed at a San Francisco tech company, and began work on original material sometime after he began DJing. Also, he listens to The xx and Biggie, and decided to put them together to create this album.

This collection of tracks is the first cohesive gathering that he feels comfortable dubbing his 'debut.' He created it after realizing that his plan to buy two iPods just to play The xx in one earbud and Biggie in the other wasn't setting a good precedent of financial responsibility (he's still reeling from the Apple Store's 15% restocking fee).

The marriage, if you can call it that -- and really, you can't, given that it's about 43 minutes long, so he's more aiming for a really solid connection between two people just trying to feel something -- is admittedly unorthodox. Biggie's music can make anyone at the club feel like they're a rapper, and gets a dance floor going at most any party, whereas The xx are mostly consumed in iPod earbuds on public transit, sitting in isolation at home, or driving alone -- in many ways, the combination of the two is the extrovert meets the introvert.

Despite the clear differences between The xx and Biggie, their union -- err, encounter -- works. While their music comes from different eras and genres, both have one undeniable quality in common: when they speak, you can't not listen. As soon as Biggie's verses start, you want to hear more about his Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, just as you want to hear how the story concludes when The xx exchange lines asking each other to please not go when they're not finished. This need to hear what both artists have to say makes them a compelling match -- the introvert and the extrovert from whom you can't take your attention away.

'the notorious xx' is independently released and available free on waitwhatmusic.com on March 25, 2010, the 13th anniversary of Life After Death. wait what hopes that you enjoy listening to it as much as he enjoyed making it, and that if you like it, you tell a friend or two to check it out; he thinks that'd be really cool of you. And by he, I mean I -- it would be really cool of you to tell your friends to check out this album. If you have a blog, even better. Either way, I would like to thank you sincerely for listening to it, along with Biggie and The xx for providing excellent source material.

Let me know if there's more info I can provide -- would be happy to help out however I can!


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